(646) 934-6161

Payment Methods

Which Payment Methods Do You Accept?

We accept the following payment methods in our online shop:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover & Diners
  • Klarna
  • PayPal

When will payment be taken?

You must pay by submitting your credit or debit card details during the website checkout process or via alternative payment method such as stripe, PayPal or Klarna. Payment is taken at the moment you place the order.

How do I pay with PayPal?

When you select PayPal in the checkout process, you will be redirected to PayPal’s website. You will need to login and agree to allow Litheom Energy to bill your PayPal account for the amount shown in the order total. Following successful completion of the PayPal transaction you will be redirected to the Litheom Energy website.

PayPal usually places funds on hold for up to 21 days before releasing the funds to us.  Kindly note that we shall only begin processing your order once PayPal releases the funds to us.

I am having issues making a payment

If you are not able to complete your transaction, it’s possible your card issuer is preventing the transaction; please give your bank a call to allow it. If this has not worked, please contact our Customer Care team directly by emailing contact@litheom.com.

Further information

For further information please review our billings terms and conditions page.

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